Genesis purpose


It is not my intent to rewrite the bible, or in any means to try and force my own thoughts, in which I try to prove things in the bible which would support my own ideology and not that which is according to the word of God. My intent here is, first and foremost, to develop a personal relationship with God my father and Jesus Christ my brother, my Savior and my king. I want to understand Gods story to mankind: what is Gods purpose for his creation; what is my purpose, and what is my destiny, as well as mankind’s. Another purpose of mine for going into this project is for my family. We are coming close to the time of our Lords return to this earth, to start his kingdom. At the beginning of my studies here, I am the only one in my immediate family that has been baptized in water, with the laying of hands, and have committed myself fully to God. My family is still living in the world and all of its darkness. If I am not alive during the last seven years, or any time in between, I hope my family can find some kind of understanding as to the light and Gods word, and an explanation of what is going on around the world during those troubling times. Maybe in this, my family can be converted and come to the knowledge of God and his Love for them, and be saved, and join me in everlasting life where all things are given.

This will be my fourth time reading the bible in the course of two years. I feel (in my own opinion) that in order to obtain my goals here that I must copy the bible word for word, in my own hands, and then ask for Gods Spirit to guide me in my revelation of His truth.